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Classical Jam Austin

Classical Jam Austin
Every Fourth Tuesday!

Austin’s classical musicians come together and collaborate in this monthly open chamber music reading night. All are welcome to play, and the event is free and open to the public. 

This event is run by Classical Jams Austin and Christabel Lin.

Austin’s classical musicians come together and collaborate in this monthly open chamber music reading night. All are welcome to play, and the event is free and open to the public. 

Classical Jams are held every fourth Tuesday of the month at Kick Butt Coffee Music & Booze. Hear random assemblies of classical musicians sight-reading small-ensemble repertoire live on-stage!

*Notes to musicians interested in playing/singing*

There is no sign up, please just show up and introduce yourself to me!

Bring any sheet music you'd like to play. I have a quartet of Android tablets, with which we can access any music that's in the internet. If you own an iPad or tablet, please bring it along!

*INSTRUMENTALISTS AND VOCALISTS: Bring your instrument, an iPad/tablet if you have one, a stand, and any sheet music/scores you'd like to play. No prep is necessary.

*TEACHERS: Invite your students to practice performing what they're working on

*COMPOSERS: Bring your scores/parts to be read

*PIANISTS: I have a 88 key, semi-weighted keyboard for you

*SINGERS: Don't forget your piano reductions! In the past, we've had enough instrumentalists attend to do some opera scenes - if there are enough ipads present for us to pull up the orchestral parts, this is totally doable!

If you are a musician and have a pre-existing ensemble or musical organization, or would like to practice performing a movement or piece, do get in touch with me about opening for a classical jam night!

Note: If you have an old, pre-loved ipad or tablet no longer in use, donate it to Classical Jams - we'll put it to good use!

Follow the classical jam page to receive future updates:www.facebook.com/classicaljamsatx/

Invite your friends on Facebook!!!!! I can only send invites to people I am friends with, and I'd love for us to expand this community.

Bring a music stand! And your ipad!

Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or suggestions.

See you there!
Christabel x

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